Life in Kibera is extremely challenging, particularly so for girls and women. The hardships they face in Africa’s largest slum, located on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, are heartbreaking. Gender-based violence, barriers to education, limited healthcare services, and income insecurity perpetuate cycles of social and economic poverty. Yet despite these desperate conditions, the women of Kibera have an extraordinary amount of strength, resiliency, and creativity.

In collaboration with the community-based organization, Saidika, whose programs empower women in Kibera through entrepreneurial skill development, financial literacy training, and community initiatives, I was inspired to share the stories of the incredible women I met. Simply put, their humanity shaped my photographic approach. The kindness they showed in recounting their struggles and describing their dreams resonated deeply with me. I want my photos to display their courage and unrelenting spirit. To recognize the limitless potential within the slums. There is hope in Kibera. These women are the embodiment of that.